The parish bulletin is a weekly publication distributed at the end of every Mass each weekend. Announcements for the bulletin should be submitted to the Parish Office no later than Monday at 12:00 pm (noon) prior to publication date.
Inserts for the bulletin must be approved by the Parish Office. Please submit a draft of the insert to the Parish Office no later than 4:00 pm on the Tuesday prior to the date it is to be inserted.
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Like St. Joseph Facebook pages and keep up to date with happenings in our parish. You may also connect with the following parish Facebook pages:
St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church
St. Joseph Religious Education Lebanon
St. Joseph Middle School Youth
St. Joseph Lifeteen Lebanon Indiana
St Joseph Young Adults
Gathering Space Monitor
A monitor has been placed in the gathering space of the church to publish upcoming parish events and announcements. If your group would like to have something published, a request should be sent to the Parish Office at least two weeks prior to the date of publication.