In 1866, a "downtown cottage" served as St. Charles mission for 64 parishioners made up of German farmers and Irish railroad workers. Diocesan priests from Lafayette had served the mission since 1862, and it wasn't until 1874 that Father Thomas Cahill was appointed the first resident pastor. A few years later the number of parishioners rose to around 80 or 90, so a larger church building, which used to be the Disciples of Christ, was purchased and remodeled. The church was then called St. Joachim, until Bishop Herman Aldering dedicated St. Joseph Church on July 20, 1902 and ended any confusion.
In 1927, the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists) was invited by Bishop John Noll to take over care of the parish's 60 families and mission house from the diocesan priests.
In 1947, a parochial school was started and in 1949 it was placed under the Sisters of St. Joseph of Tiption, Indiana. It remained open until 1969.
In 1972, the redemptorists departed and the diocesan priests returned to St. Joseph. Two years later there were 375 active families, or 1,313 individuals in attendance.
St. Joseph Church underwent two additional renovations since the original one in 1876.
In November 2011, construction on a new St. Joseph Church began and the new church was dedicated on December 16, 2012.
On August 19, 2020, St. Joseph Church became a Pastorate in the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana with St. Mary, Frankfort.
Facts and information from: A History of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana, by Ph. D. Reverend Anthony Prosen S.T.L.