VBS is held for several days during the first part of June. Middle school and high school youth are always welcome to assist with this fun ministry as "additional helpers”. Adults willing to organize and/or help with this fun-filled week are always needed as well. This is a wonderful ministry for our children.
We support and assist in the life-long journey of catechesis and education for preschool children through adulthood. Through the teaching and formation on Sacred Scripture as well as the doctrine and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church, we strive to accomplish this great task.
Classes are conducted from 9:30 am to 10:40 am on most Sundays between the months of September and May. Keep in touch with information by subscribing to the Religious Education group through Flocknote and on Facebook at St. Joseph Religious Education Lebanon. Due to the number of catechist, there will not be a preschool class this school year.
The Middle School Youth group is designed to meet the educational, spiritual, emotional, and social needs of young adolescents. Middle school youth also participate in social and recreational activities designed to create a greater sense of community. Classes are from 9:30 am until 10:40 am Sunday mornings (see calendar above). Subscribe through Flocknote to the Middle Youth Ministry list and connect with the Facebook page at St. Joseph Middle School Youth.
For more information about education for kindergarten through 8th grade, contact the Director of Religious Education.