This ministry provides dinner for the family and friends of the deceased. All parishioners are welcome to help in this ministry.
The St. Joseph Prayer Chain consists of individuals offering prayers for those with life's challenges and blessings. Prayer requests for immediate family members are only provided to those subscribed to the Prayer Chain. If you are interested in including these requests to your prayer list, please subscribe to the Prayer Chain group through Flocknote.
The Grief Support group meets on the second Saturday of the month at 10:00 am in the St. Aloysius Room. This group comes together to support those who have suffered a loss of a loved one.
This is a community wide prayer service held on the first Sunday in October on the Courthouse Square on behalf of the unborn.
The mission of this committee is to visit the infirm of our parish at the hospital. During the visit they find out what is needed such as meals, prayer, domestic support, Eucharist, or fellowship.
The Legion of Mary is an association of Catholic men and women who, with the sanction of the Church, have formed themselves into a legion to promote a deeper devotion to Mary and to undertake various apostolic works. There are two types of membership: active membership and auxiliary membership. Meetings are held every Tuesday at 1:00 pm in the Sr. Mary Ignatius Room.
If you are a Catholic who has been away from the Church for awhile, this invitation is for you! Our Faith Community misses you. Please contact the parish office to speak with a priest.
The Weekend Communion Ministry brings Holy Communion each week to those who cannot attend weekend Mass. This involves bringing the Blessed Sacrament to those in nursing homes, hospitals, assisted living and private homes. To participate in this ministry, one must be open and willing to visit these members. Contact Mark Scheller for more information.
This group welcomes the support and assistance of all persons who share the concern for the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death. This includes praying at abortion centers in Indianapolis every Friday after the 8:00 am Mass.
On occasion, parish families are in need of meals to be brought to them due to illness or other circumstance. Meal train is an online service for which parishioners may register to bring a meal to a family in need. If your family is in need of meals to be brought to your home, please contact the Parish Office. As meals are needed, information is distributed through Flocknote.